Inspired by a project we open sourced at PlanGrid, I’ve been working to create ANReactiveTableKit, a small Swift library that provides a React style API for UITableView in iOS 13.
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Creating a Circular Progress Indicator in SwiftUI
Under Construction…
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Sorting by multiple properties in Swift
While working on some code at work, I ran into a simple sorting problem
in some of my Swift code. Suppose we have a struct like this:
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My First Contribution to Swift
My first contribution to the Swift programming language was merged earlier this year. Despite the simplicity of the bug I fixed, the process took awhile and I learned a good deal in the process. This post will briefly go over the fix I made and some give some advice for...
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iOS Network Debugging With Charles Proxy
I was recently working on a project where I encountered a bit of slow down in debugging some API calls. The project can be simplified as grabbing data from a new API, parsing and persisting the data, and rendering it in a UITableView. In this particular case, the development of...
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